School Challenges
School Challenges
One facet of our job that I really enjoy, is working with teenagers on what could be their first journey into the outdoor adventure world, watching them grow as they take on varying challenges the wild throws at them.
There really is something about a challenge in the outdoors, which is a real leveler amongst teenagers. In today’s world we are all to use to having things instantly, at the touch of a button and if we do have to wait, we tend to get bored and move on to an easier or quicker path.
The great outdoors is one area where we can’t cheat our way to the top! and that is literally no truer than a hike in the mountains or taking on a challenge like the Welsh 3 Peaks.
Our school challenges can take on a number of guises, from Kayaking, Hiking, Camping and Coasteering. but our most popular is.

Snowdon – Cadair Idris – Pen y Fan
The reason this is popular. Is that it’s tough, it requires mental strength and the ability to dig deep.
You have to deal with a long, long day and show good character to finish one peak and then start the next again and again. So, at the end of it, the youngsters do feel shattered but most of all that they have had an adventure and the pride in achieving something far out of their comfort zone, in some of Wales most scenic and rugged places.
Despite all of the above, what makes this School Challenge great, is that it is achievable for all. It is done at a good pace, that ensures the whole group remains together and goes through the hard times and the joys or reaching the peaks together as a team.
The hiking is only part of the experience, the driving through Wales, camping out and the bonds made in this intense 48hrs are something to cherish.
This is why such a challenge is ideal for a bonding session for 6th Formers coming together at the start of their A-Level journey or equally as a goodbye before they start heading their own way to university and chosen careers.
If you are interested in talking to us about The Welsh 3 Peaks or any other of our School Challenges, please contact us on